On Raging Bulls

4 min readApr 5, 2021


Loving your Trump+ routine, Lindsey. You go get yourself that Trump 2022 base. Okay, hold on, are all y’all at MSNBC rope-a-doping Lindsey? Better let me know now, if so, before someone finally gets around to showing Mr. Graham the future I have chosen to write for him.

I have something I want you to think about, Lindsey.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Now, Lindsey, if a small group of committed citizens are capable of changing the world, what … do you suppose … might a raging bull of a committed citizen be capable of should attentions turn to changing a nation?

Oh thank Christ, you had me worried for a moment that you might go the other way and that would totally f$&k up everything I have left to say.

And it starts with this, Lindsey, I learned something watching you beat that dead Trump. I am sure we are all familiar with some form of the following:

(Breakfast Club MF, ♫ A A A A ♫ Oooohoohoooohyeeeeahhh):

And sure as sh$t, Lindsey, it is a bad idea to come at a bull. He will immediately f$&k you up. Like you aren’t you anymore f$&k you up.

“How is any of that relevant?”, you ask. It’s coming, Lindsey. Be patient. First, I want to tell you about the off-ramp you just blew right by (did Moscow Mitch not signal? Maybe he wanted you to miss your exit).

Well I can just tell ya what he found upon exiting … his 2022 base. He f$&kin’ played everybody ( sigh apparently. I was saying all week the only thing that could prevent tearing down the GOP in its entirety is the pivot. Just me and Mitch I guess).

Anyway, Mitch has himself set up nicely for grabbing all those centrists been unregistering with your reality rejectionist platform. His position is too good (f$&kin’ as of that speech) to not bring enough back with his new platform. (Which, incidently, was the reason I wanted witnesses called. I wanted to get to them first. But y’all thought a piece of paper was important … when you will literally be able to watch what occured that day as easily as we all watched in real-time for generations to come).

But you, bud? I could almost … almost … just sit back, and watch. I certainly could if my side were budgeable from the perpetual tribalism they have come to embrace that is poisoning our progress.

And now, Lindsey Graham we reach the part where I get to let you in on why I been talkin’ bull. It’s because I wanted to tell ya something I learned recently. I learned that bulls needn’t be provoked all at once. No red flag need be waved.

You wouldn’t know it to look at ’em; but, Lindsey, bulls are actually quick learners with great memories. The pestering, the mildy annoying jaw wagging of a man unaware of his own insignificance (I own mine ┌П┐(ಠ_ಠ) Lindsey) … these stack up. And each time you add to that stack, Lindsey, you take your addition out of that bull’s patience. Such perturbulances (felt like making up a word) erode the bull’s patience … slowly … over time (not unlike what happened with your moral center).

Until one day … Lindsey … you almost needn’t have said … nor done … anything at all.

So I’m in. Challenge accepted. Gauntlet tossed. I will take that bet Lindsey. I will change this f$&king nation. Which, incidentally, is how I get to write your f$&kin’ future. Holler, Jaime Harrison, if you’d like the advance copy.




Written by Moondeer


Northside Hospital baby proudly indoctrinated into the radical left at the University of Georgia in the Deep South. (BA in English and BS in CS)

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